We provide a variety of services for the vz. 58 which include:
- Sa vz. 58 rifle build using your receiver and parts kit.
- Sa vz. 61 pistol or SBR build using your receiver and parts kit.
- Sa vz. 61 Silencer Thread Adapters.
- Sa vz. 58 Military Markings.
- Three different custom-fit Magpul handguard models that resolve heat issues and improve your shooting grip.
- The incredible Sa vz. 58 Enhanced Trigger which provides a shorter take-up and reset.
- De-banning the early import D-Technik rifles by adding a bayonet lug with a muzzle brake or flash hider.
- A refinish job that offers a blue or grey color refinish to make your vz. 58 look more like the original military issue rifle.
- The Czech M95 Desert Camo for those who want the coolest looking vz. 58 finish available!
- Phenolic furniture polishing where you'll never think of the words "Beaver Barf" again.
- Diagnose function issues and tell you exactly what's going on with your rifle.
* We can make all of the above happen. If you're looking for something else, please contact us with details.
* Click on Service Request for more info and to electronically submit your Service Request Form.